Our service for triaging and reporting cardiac device transmissions has been positively audited by NHS Barts Health! We provide this service on behalf of a global player in the field of cardiac devices.
The results suggest our service is a “trustworthy reporting service” with “impressive speed of review” and, most importantly to us, “providing valuable patient benefits”.
For more information click here to read the full audit report.
Fysiologic ECG Services is trots en enthousiast dat het, als grootste ECG analyse bedrijf van Europa, is overgenomen door ACE Health AB.
Our service for triaging and reporting cardiac device transmissions has been positively audited by NHS Barts Health!
Het wederom behalen van de ISO/IEC 27001:2013 en NEN 7510-1 :2017+A1:2020 certificaten vormt een uiterst betrouwbare en veilige basis voor ons aanbod van ECG-gerelateerde diensten.
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